Lunes, Enero 2, 2012

Real Essence of Christmas

    Every year we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ or known as the  Christmas day. The whole word jubilating this every year. Wherever you go there are lots of decorations and gifts. Christmas is one of the long holiday we are celebrating.At some part of the world specially in the Philippines when you say Christmas this would be the most awaited event, many of Filipino started decorating even still September, next would be the Simbang Gabi in which people wake up every dawn to go church.

    When we say also Christmas day lots of gifts where exchange,foods, and when you are working a company the most awaited thing of the laborers is the Bonus.And lets admits that when Christmas is celebrating every year Santa Claus wont gone.Most of us believe specially kids that if we are good in the whole year we can get a gift in which we are longing for a gift that we wish that Santa would give.

    But is this really the true essence of Christmas? Many of us now a days forget what is the real Christmas.Christmas is not all about the plenty food we can seen in our tables and the gifts the we receive.Instead Christmas is all about loving, forgiving people who hurt you and forget everything that made you sad.But the most especially the meaning of Christmas is all about the day the Christ was born.A child who  will be our savior.

    As we celebrate Christmas lets not forget what is the true meaning of this.Let put this to our mind that gifts and foods or even money is just nothing without Jesus Christ so we should be thankful for the whole year that we are okey and we conquer all the problems that we are facing for the whole year.And that's because God never leave us.So we should not forget who is we celebrating Christmas.Its Christ.          

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